Category: Blog

Workers Comp – Why You Can’t Count on OSHA to Help

“In McAllen, J.A. Davis & Associates provides expert legal services for personal injury victims. Our attorneys fight tirelessly to ensure you get the compensation you need for medical bills, pain, and suffering.”

Why You Can’t Count on OSHA to Help

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is a federal agency that plays a vital role in trying to ensure the safety of workplace environments throughout the United States. You’ve probably seen their guidelines posted somewhere at your job, maybe in the break room or the main office. So seeing those guidelines may lead you to think that if you suffer some sort of work-related injury, you can count on OSHA to help you win any litigation that may take place. As important as that agency is, however, the unfortunate truth is it can’t really help you at all. More Information Here

OSHA serves a vital role, but as vital as that role is in our country, the agency will be of no use to you in your case. OSHA investigators are stretched thin because of budgetary limitations, so there’s probably very little chance they will be able to be present at every workplace accident scene. Even if they do show up, however, their only role will be to put together a report on what happened and make recommendations to your employer on how to prevent such an incident from occurring again. This is typically a very general report used by the federal government, and normally not very specific to your case. And OSHA is not particularly concerned with who is to blame for the accident; all they want to do is enforce federal safety requirements and try to ensure that the accident doesn’t happen in the future. More Information here
OSHA’s main goal is deterrence, but even in this aspect, their hands are pretty well tied. OSHA can levy a fine against a company that violates safety regulations, but their fine schedule is seriously outdated. It hasn’t been updated since the 1960s. To put that into perspective, a gallon of gas didn’t even cost 50 cents back then. So OSHA fines normally don’t amount to much more than a slap on the wrist of the offender. The intentions of the agency are noble, but it doesn’t really have as much power as you may think. And as we already said, you can forget about OSHA being of any help in your personal injury case.

So You’ve Suffered a Workplace Accident Injury. What Happens Next?

The workers’ comp lawyers of our Law Office have won thousands of personal injury cases and helped injury victims just like you reap millions and millions of dollars in awards, getting the compensation they deserve for the physical and emotional trauma they’ve experienced, and the medical expenses and lost wages they’ve incurred. And we’d like the chance to do the same thing for you. As soon as you possibly can, call us toll-free for a confidential and free consultation regarding the specifics of your case. If you hire us, we will immediately launch a thorough investigation of all the aspects of your accident. Time is of the essence in doing so, because critical evidence can often disappear if it is not gathered quickly enough. And without that evidence, your chances of winning a lawsuit are greatly damaged.

One thing you should NEVER do when you’ve suffered an injury due to a workplace accident is to sign any sort of document that will eliminate your right to sue. You’d be surprised how many injury victims will fall victim to an aggressive insurance adjuster or defense lawyer and sign away their rights in exchange for a quick settlement. They soon realize the devastating mistake they’ve made, however, when they see what kind of pittance they’ve signed for; a pittance that won’t come anywhere close to providing them just compensation for the lost wages and medical bills they’ve incurred.

Do NOT let that happen to you. Call us as soon as you possibly can so that we can go over the details of your case, clearly spell out all of your legal options, and then get to work in order to ensure you get the just compensation for your injury that you deserve.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys – We Know, We Ride, We Can Help.

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys – We Know, We Ride, We Can Help.

If a routine motorcycle ride has resulted in serious injuries, the experienced area motorcycle accident lawyers at our Law Firm can help. Contact us today to discuss your case and needs in a free initial consultation.

We Don’t Just Know the Law – We Know the Road

In order to successfully handle claims related to motorcycle accidents, an attorney needs to have specific experience with the rules of the road as well as an understanding of the unique issues that come with being a motorcyclist. At our personal injury Law Firm, we all ride. Even more importantly, we have decades of experience working hard for motorcyclists who the conduct of others has hurt. The safety of motorcyclists is important to us personally as well as professionally. We know that by making negligent drivers accountable for their actions we can increase safety for everyone on the road.

We know what happens when your bike is forced to swerve or when it slides. Our San Francisco motorcycle accident attorneys understand the difference between low siding and high siding. We know that lane sharing is legal, and we protect your rights to ride. We are well-prepared to present compelling and convincing evidence in support of your serious injury or wrongful death claim. A personal injury lawyer with real-life experience can understand your claim and help you obtain fair compensation for your serious injuries, including:

Head and Brain Injury
Spinal cord injury
Facial injuries
Broken hand or broken shoulder
Burn injuries
Leg or knee injury
Wrongful death

For a car driver, a collision with a motorcycle may result in vehicle damage and no personal injuries. In contrast, even if properly equipped with a helmet and other protective gear, the motorcyclist will likely suffer serious injuries or even wrongful death.

Our motorcycle accident attorneys proudly sponsor racing and are actively involved in all aspects of riding. We also sponsor rides in the area. You might find our attorneys or staff members in the office, in court, or out at a local track day. One senior paralegal is an active motorcycle safety instructor. His insight into the technical rules of the road gives our firm a unique perspective above and beyond our years of riding experience. With decades of experience helping injured survivors and riding motorcycles, we can skillfully handle your motorcycle accident claim.

Our Law Firm handles more motorcycle cases than any other law firm in the area. Other law firms commonly consult with us when their clients have been injured in motorcycle accidents. Our lawyers are generous with our time, and we provide each potential client with a free initial consultation. We want to hear your story, learn the details of your accident, and explain your options.

A Motorcycle Crash Can Cause Devastating Injuries

Serious injuries or death are often the unfortunate results of motorcycle accidents. Whether you have suffered a head injury, spinal cord injury, leg injury, knee injury, hand injury, shoulder injury, facial injury, burn, amputation, or severe laceration in a motorcycle accident, we are ready to help. Our motorcycle accident attorneys will handle the legal matters related to your case and help you find the resources necessary to deal with the life-altering results of a serious injury.

Put Our Experience to Work for You
Contact a motorcycle accident attorney at our Law Firm today to discuss your case. You can send us an e-mail link to contact us or call us toll-free to learn more about our services.

Personal Injury Law – Truck Accident Injuries

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio

Personal Injury Law – Truck Accident Injuries

18-Wheeler Accident Attorney – Do You Want Compensation After you are Seriously Hurt in a Trucking Accident?

Did You Know? Our Texas attorneys have won hundreds of 18-wheeler accident cases. Call us today to discuss your case.

There’s a reason a chill runs down your spine when a big-rig semi grows more prominent in your rearview mirror by the second or pulls aside you on the freeway at 75 miles an hour. Many times an 18-wheeler hits someone and causes serious injuries or even death. What happens if one hits your vehicle or someone in your family and kills them? The one thing you dare not do is take your time to decide how to respond to this tragedy because those who are responsible for hitting you are already starting to defend themselves. Thousands of 18-wheelers pass through Texas as a destination or a way station as they haul all types of goods to and from all parts of the country. So accidents, injuries, and even deaths are a statistical inevitability.

If you have been injured in an 18-wheeler accident or, worse, if a loved one was injured or killed, an 18-wheeler accident injury attorney with our Law Office can help you. For over 20 years, we have successfully negotiated compensation for our injured clients with insurance companies and successfully litigated hundreds of trucking accident cases on their behalf. We know you suffer pain through no fault of your own as a result of this negligent accident and are bearing a significant financial burden. But once you have recovered – and we hope it’s soon – your troubles might just be beginning if you did not have the presence to hire an experienced attorney. Your fight to seek fair compensation for your injuries can be just as trying as the injuries and pain caused to you by accident. Trying to get a fair settlement or litigating to secure a fair injury award without the proper legal counsel simply adds to this drama you don’t need. We feel it is essential to let you know about all legal avenues available so that you can make the right decision when hiring an attorney who will help you achieve just and fair restitution.